Pregnancy and Osteopathy

Pregnancy is a time of rapid change in all aspects. Hormones and mechanical factors work together to quickly demand something completely new of the body. It’s not unusual for these demands to cause aches and pains, but that doesn’t mean it’s something you necessarily have to tolerate. Changes in Pregnancy Whereas some patients expect pain […]
Benign Hypermobility Syndrome (BHS)
Diagnosing someone with hypermobility is essentially a fancy way of saying they’re more bendy than most, or “double jointed”. It is not a problem by default, but it can cause aches and pains. These symptoms tend to improve with rest, and are aggravated by exercise- although strengthening exercises can be a useful management strategy. Hypermobility […]
Diastasis Recti: abdominal muscle separation post-partum

During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles have to come apart to make room for the bump. If they don’t knit back together after while the body heals post-partum, the patient can be diagnosed with diastasis recti. Diastasis means separation, and recti refers to the 6-pack muscles: rectus abdominus. Diastasis is not exclusive to women who have […]
There are over a hundred fluid filled sacs called “bursae” in the body. Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. Symptoms can include focal pain, swelling, heat, and redness. In areas where tendons run closely to bone, you can often find bursae, as their function is to prevent friction. The two areas in which I see […]
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
The thoracic outlet is a space where blood vessels and nerves leave the torso on their way to the arm. It is formed by the first rib and the collar bone. The outlet is tightly packed, and there are a number of things that can cause compression to those blood vessels, or nerves, or both. […]
The Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ)
The Sacroiliac joint is a controversial one. Some people maintain that it only moves in childbirth, but success in treating it has led me to believe that it does move a very small amount in the general population. Like any other joint that moves, it can be irritated, but I have yet to see evidence […]
Degenerative Disc Disease
Each disc in the spine is well attached to the vertebrae directly above and below it. The discs act as a cushion for shock absorbing, and they can be twisted and squashed to allow for movement through the spine. A good analogy for their anatomy is to imagine a jam doughnut, where the outside is […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A nerve running down the arm and into the hand is relatively vulnerable to compression at the wrist. Tis is the median nerve, which supplies most of the palm. When this happens, you may experience pain, numbness, weakness, or tingling in the hand. This is carpal tunnel syndrome. Although there are many possible causes, one […]