Tension: The Diaphragm, Thorax, and Beyond

Tension is a problem that affects us all to some extent, and often it has mechanical implications within the body. Stress changes the gear your nervous system runs in, making digestion less of a priority and breathing less efficient. These changes in turn can have a knock-on effect on the rest of the body, so […]

NSLBP: Non-Specific Lower Back Pain

See video below for a concise version of this blog Non-Specific is probably not how you want anyone to diagnose you. Depending how the diagnosis of NSLBP is packaged, you might have questions like: “Why can’t you tell me exactly what’s causing my pain?”“Do I need an X-Ray or MRI done to find the cause […]

Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Frozen shoulder (FSS) is a syndrome, meaning it is defined by its signs and symptoms. Typically someone with a frozen shoulder will have pain and stiffness in the shoulder, but the diagnosis only applies to people whose movement is restricted passively. This means that when the shoulder is relaxed, movement is still limited when someone […]

Rheumatic Pain: AS and RA

Osteopaths are qualified to help manage your rheumatic pain. As rheumatic conditions are autoimmune, medication is often a key part of management, as we cannot address the root cause. However, we can help to counteract the way the body reacts to elements of the condition. This includes treatment for the joints that are directly affected, […]

Arthritic Hands

It’s not often that someone books in with me for hand pain alone (arthritic or otherwise), it tends to be something they mention later. We can absolutely help if your main or only concerns are arthritic hands. The two main forms of arthritis that affect the hands are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoarthritis […]

Cervicogenic Headaches (Biondi, 2005)

A cervicogenic headache is one that is caused by structures in the neck, such as muscles, joints, nerves, and blood vessels. It is estimated that up to 2.5% of the general population in the USA are experiencing a cervicogenic headache at any one time. Women are four times as likely to experience this than men. […]

Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow is the more common of the two, affecting the muscles on the outside of the forearm. The technical term is lateral epicondylitis. Although it’s commonly referred to as “tennis” elbow, it is linked to most racket sports, including squash and badminton, as inefficient technique on backhand swings can overstrain the extensor muscles […]



Sciatica specifically refers to symptoms arising from the sciatic nerve. It is an example of a “trapped nerve”. Symptoms The term is a commonly misused. Technically it only refers to pain in the distribution of the sciatic nerve, which typically presents as a clear line of pain down the back of the thigh (fig. B). […]

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